Physical Oceanography

Coastal Environments arrives at practical solutions, based on a comprehensive knowledge of physical processes. This requires an understanding of the forcing functions of waves, coastal currents, and tides, and site-specific parameters including marine geology, beach and shoreline factors, and longshore and cross-shore sediment transport. CE successfully applies these techniques to thermal and sewage discharges, site selection of harbors, shoreline modeling and other complex problems.

  • Environmental measurements of physical parameters
  • Directional wave, current, wind, water temperature, and tidal studies
  • Tidal and storm surge flooding analysis
  • Shoreline changes description and analysis
  • Beach profile surveys and analysis
  • Sediment transport computations
  • Outfall plume investigations
  • Design and selection of oceanographic instrumentation arrays
  • Configuration of data acquisition systems

Some projects we have worked on for physical oceanography include: